Dallas Pool Works primary focus is deliver the highest quality work while staying 100% consistent in the delivery of Professional Service provided.

Meet Jarrod
Jarrod oversees company direction while staying very much involved with customers on a daily basis. Being the only point of contact; customers are assured an unparalleled line of “knowledgeable” communication that is quick to respond while being utterly unique.
Demanding excellence with a keen eye for detail Jarrod brands his own mark with a personalized spin on Dallas Pool Service.
A seasoned veteran working over 17 years in field. Manufacturer Trained and State Licensed by Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation #417032.
Jarrod is ecstatic he gets to work with his best friend and younger brother; Blake. Together the Kennedy Brothers have built Dallas Pool Works from the ground up strictly off customer referrals.

Meet Blake
Blake oversees daily operations while working closely with all staff.
A gifted individual possessing a diverse skill set enabling Blake to successfully manage daily operations while continually educating staff.
Acquiring numerous unique abilities over the past 15 years Blake also acts as Lead Service Technician. Manufacturer Trained and State Licensed by Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation #422784.
Customers have 100% confidence in Blake’s expertise when performing installations, conducting repairs or making necessary recommendations.
Meet Blake
Blake oversees daily operations while working closely with all staff.
A gifted individual possessing a diverse skill set enabling Blake to successfully manage daily operations while continually educating staff.
Acquiring numerous unique abilities over the past 15 years Blake also acts as Lead Service Technician. Manufacturer Trained and State Licensed by Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation #422784.
Customers have 100% confidence in Blake’s expertise when performing installations, conducting repairs or making necessary recommendations.

The Team
A house divided can not stand. Dallas Pool Works is a family run operation which instills family values into all aspects of fellowship. There is no “I” in Team and everyone acknowledges just this. We are a close-knit group constantly evolving and learning from each other as we better ourselves daily.
Working in the field together, assisting on installations together, learning in live workshops together, having lunch together or attending one of the many companies sponsored charity events together. This sets us apart… This makes us unique… This is what makes us Dallas Pool Works.
Passionate about our craft and skillful in our delivery. We have gained the trust of what some would call a loyal customer base; however, we prefer to call them just what they are… “family”.

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